MSNBC.- "U.S. and Cuba work together to fight drug trafficking despite frosty relationship". NBC News has gotten exclusive access to witness cooperation between American and Cuban officials collaborating to tackle drug trafficking, despite the differences between the two countries. Deputy Minister of Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Carlos Fernández de Cossío Domínguez joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss whether this could portend broader improvements in the U.S.-Cuba relationship. “I don't believe that there's truly a willingness to improve the relationship. And that's the reason why they put excuses on the road, along the way, so that we could not improve the relationship,” says de Cossío. “And they speak of prisoners. They only speak with prisoners in Cuba. They don't speak of prisoners in the United States, which would be an issue that we could have a reciprocal conversation.”

EEUU “No tiene voluntad” para mejorar las relaciones con Cuba

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