En sendos comunicados, varias asociaciones de la emigración cubana patriótica en Canadá y Reino Unido exigen el levantamiento del bloqueo de EEUU a su país.

Ver: Especial "Clamor mundial contra la pandemia del Bloqueo a Cuba": acciones, iniciativas, declaraciones

Declaración de las Asociaciones de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá

Las Asociaciones de Cubanos Residentes en Canadá unimos nuestra voz a la exigencia mundial para que EE.UU. levante inmediatamente el illegal bloqueo que unilateralmente impone a Cuba desde 1962. Este bloqueo no solo afecta negativamente a nuestras familias y amigos en la isla, si no que también limita drásticamente los vínculos de los cubanos que vivimos en el exterior con ellos, dada su aplicación extraterritorial.

El bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba, que ha sido condenado repetidamente por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, busca frenar a toda costa el desarrollo de la isla privándola de fuentes de ingreso a la vez que imposibilita al gobierno llevar a cabo los planes sociales que mejoran el nivel de vida de todos los cubanos. Es el castigo de la potencia más poderosa del mundo a Cuba, quien haciendo uso de su derecho de autodeterminación, construye un sistema socioeconómico más justo y equitativo. Es el intento monstruoso de tratar de rendir por hambre y necesidad a un pueblo entero.

Estados Unidos ignora el reclamo mundial que demanda el levantamiento de bloqueos y el cese de medidas coercitivas por el azote de la pandemia, y continúa endureciendo sus sanciones unilaterales contra Cuba, quien se ve imposibilitada de adquirir medicamentos, equipos y materiales necesarios en su lucha contra el Covid-19 en casa e internacionalmente, donde ofrece su aporte solidario a varios países con médicos y enfermeras , a pesar de sus limitaciones.

Como cubanos comprometidos con el bienestar de la patria y defensores de su soberanía, hacemos un llamado a todos nuestros compatriotas, dentro y fuera de la isla, a que se nos unan cuando condenamos el bloqueo que es una violación constante de los derechos elementales de todos los cubanos, limita el potencial humano de la nación e impide el desarrollo económico de Cuba.

Exigimos al gobierno de EE.UU. el levantamiento inmediato del bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial que impone a Cuba y el cese de todas las sanciones contra nuestra patria.

Para nuestra amada Cuba, paz, prosperidad y progreso.

Statement Associations of Cuban Residents in Canada

The Associations of Cuban Residents in Canada join our voice to the worldwide demand for the United States to immediately lift the illegal blockade that it unilaterally imposes on Cuba since 1962. This inhumane blockade not only affects our families and friends on the island, making their lives miserable, but also hampers the efforts of Cubans who live abroad to help them, given its extraterritorial implementation.

The US blockade against Cuba, which has been condemned repeatedly by the United Nations General Assembly, seeks to slow down the development of the island at all costs, depriving it of sources of income while making it impossible for the government to carry out the social plans that improve the standard of living of all Cubans. It is the punishment of the most powerful nation in the world to Cuba, which using its right of self-determination, builds a fairer and more equitable socioeconomic system. It is the monstrous attempt to try to subjugate an entire people out of hunger and need.

The United States ignores the global demand for the lifting of blockades and the cessation of coercive measures due to the scourge of the pandemic, and continues to tighten its unilateral sanctions which prevents Cuba from acquiring the medicines, equipment and materials necessary in its fight against the Covid-19 at home and internationally, where it offers its solidarity contribution to several countries with doctors and nurses, despite its limitations.

We, as Cubans committed to the well-being of the homeland and defenders of its sovereignty, call on all other compatriots, inside the island and abroad, to join us in condemning the blockade, which is a constant violation of the fundamental rights of all Cubans, it limits the nation's human potential, and impedes Cuba's economic development.

We demand the US government the immediate lifting of the economic, financial and commercial blockade that it imposes on Cuba and the cessation of all sanctions against our first homeland.

For our beloved Cuba, peace, prosperity and progress.

Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez”

Comunidad Cubana en Canadá

Somos Cuba

Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Ottawa-Gatineau


Asociación de Cubanos en Reino Unido exige fin del Bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba en medio del enfrentamiento a la #COVID19

The US blockade of Cuba must end!

The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

and First Secretary of State

House of Commons


Subject: Cubans in the UK demand an end to the US blockade.

We, Cuban residents in the United Kingdom, are urging the British government to play a leading role discussing with the United States of America the need to lift the Embargo against our people. The fight against the covid-19 pandemic is stretching resources all over the world and even strong economies are facing enormous challenges. We are sure that you appreciate how hard the NHS is working to look after patients with COVID-19. No country in the world can survive isolated and even worse when a powerful country imposes a blockade which includes medicine and medical products.

Cuba is making an extraordinary effort to face this covid-19 pandemic. The country tries to save lives inside and outside its borders. Currently, all Cuban and foreign patients in Cuba suffering from the symptoms of COVID-19 are treated in hospitals, including thousands of people suspected of incubating this new coronavirus. Medical students guided by their professors are carrying out national surveys to identify the most vulnerable and high-risk people, as part of preventive medicine, a characteristic of the Cuban health system.

The country also guarantees tests to detect this virus, ensuring national coverage, as part of the strategy to control the spread of COVID-19. These tests are carried out by specialist personnel in three laboratories in the country with technology and experts trained in the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine. Following the indications of the World Health Organization, the fieldwork seeks to identify the foci and their contacts to proceed to the isolation of possible carriers of the disease. This effort in the early stages of the spread of COVID-19 ensures that the exposed population is reduced and with it the best use of the resources of the national Public Health system.

Cuban researchers in collaboration with Chinese colleagues, have worked intensively on the production of a new vaccine against the new coronavirus, the clinical trial of which continues and is expected to be completed in 2021. Also, of Cuban production, the recombinant Interferon alfa 2B has been used in clinical trials since the beginning of the pandemic in China and is available for those who require it in Cuba. Other treatments with international success in this pandemic are also applied in Cuba, among them the antiretroviral Kaletra, previously used in the treatment and prevention of AIDS, and the antiviral Oseltamivir, a generic of national production widely used in the treatment and prevention of influenza viruses (A and B). On the other hand, the distribution of the nationally produced homeopathic medicine Prevengho-Vir has begun, as a prophylactic measure to avoid viral contagion.

Cuban epidemiologist and experts broadcast daily to inform and educate the population on the measures to be followed. Cuba has so far sent medical brigades to 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Europe that have requested Cuban assistance to face this pandemic. While Cuban doctors are in different countries providing medical care, the US department continues to urge Cuban doctors to abandon their missions, offering them visas to travel to the United States. They have also issued a circular to third countries asking them to reject the Cuban medical brigades for being allegedly “slaves” of the Cuban government. The international thanks and support that Cuban doctors have received contrast with the political manipulation used by the US administration. Nothing justifies the United States aggressive and inhumane policy towards Cuba.

The pandemic is also having a negative impact on the world economy. In just a few weeks, the most developed countries have taken extraordinary measures to provide essential resources to their populations and avoid the chaos caused by scarcity of resources. Our country has had to face similar circumstances for more than 60 years, not because of natural catastrophes but because of the iron blockade imposed on our country by the United States.

On April 1, a donation of medical supplies from China sent to 24 countries in the region, including Cuba, could not land in Cuba due to the US economic and financial blockade. The European Union and the United Nations have called on the US government to relax sanctions so that countries like Cuba can access the necessary food and medicine during the pandemic. However, the Trump administration continues to act unilaterally. Cubans need the definitive end of the US Embargo and the cessation of aggressions against Cuba. 

We know about the good relationship between our countries, particularly in the areas of Education and Public Health. We witness your recognition and thanks to the Cuban government in response to the urgent situation experienced by the passengers of British cruise MS Braemar. The Cuban government allowed the docking of this vessels adopting the protocol established by the World health Organization and the Cuban Ministry of Health.

We now look forward to seeing a supportive and humane gesture towards Cuba.

Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely,

Dr Miriam Palacios and Mr Daniesky Acosta
Directors for the association Cubanos en UK

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