Belly of The Beast Cuba.- Mayra Alonso is a Cuban American who runs Marazul, a travel agency that was a pioneer in organizing trips from the U.S. to Cuba. Her offices were bombed in the 1970s by U.S. based terrorist groups, but Marazul is still advocating for bridges between the two countries. There’s “no logic” for U.S. citizens not being allowed to travel to Cuba as tourists, Mayra says.


La Columna es un espacio libre de opinión personal de autoras y autores amigos de Cuba, que no representa necesariamente la línea editorial de Cubainformación.

La Columna
Belly of The Beast Cuba.- Mayra Alonso is a Cuban American who runs Marazul, a travel agency that was a pioneer in organizing trips from the U.S. to Cuba. Her offices were bombed in the 1970s by U.S. based terrorist groups, but Marazul is still ...
Belly of The Beast Cuba.-  We recently screened our documentary series The War on Cuba at Havana’s Acapulco Cinema during the VI International Conference for World Balance. The series exposes the impact of U.S. sanctions on the Cuban peopl...
Belly of The Beast Cuba.- Amazon Labor Union founder Chris Smalls visited Cuba in 2023 and immediately connected with the Cuban people and their struggles due to U.S. sanctions. Originally released in the documentary Chris Smalls Goes to Cuba, D...
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