Cubainformación.- El 26 de Julio pasado, el Comité de Correspondencia para la Democracia y el Socialismo (CCDS por sus siglas en ingles) en EEUU aprobó una resolución por unanimidad en apoyo a los Cinco Cubanos.

Del 24 al 26 de julio, el CCDS llevo a cabo su convención anual en San Francisco, California, precedido por un día de conferencia.  Durante uno de los talleres al final del primer día, la conocida activista por los derechos humanos Ángela Davis hablo ante una audiencia entusiasta. Entre muchas otras demandas, Davis le dijo a los presentes que era hora de que los Estados Unidos pongan fin al bloqueo contra Cuba y que libere a los Cinco cubanos prisioneros políticos en cárceles de los EEUU.

La resolución demanda que el gobierno de los EEUU libere a los Cinco Cubanos, y que hasta que eso suceda, el gobierno de los EEUU respete el derecho de visitas regulares a los prisioneros, incluyendo el otorgamiento inmediato de visas a Adriana Pérez y Olga Salanueva para visitar a Gerardo Hernández y René González respectivamente.

La resolución también pide la extradición de Luis Posada Carriles a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y que se les permita a todos los ciudadanos de EEUU viajar a Cuba sin restricciones.

Además, los participantes de la convención estuvieron de acuerdo en apoyar las leyes del Congreso para levantar las restricciones de viajes a Cuba para todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses,  contenida en el proyecto de ley ante el congreso HR874 con 160 congresistas a favor y en el proyecto de ley ante el Senado S428 con  30 senadores apoyándola.

Whereas, Ramon Labañino, Rene Gonzalez, Fernando  Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and Geraldo Hernandez, known as “Cuban Five,” were arrested in Miami, Florida in September 1997 and charged with 26 counts of violating federal laws of the US, 24 of those charges were technical and minor offenses, none of the charges reflected violence against the US, use of weapons, property damage, nor threatened or killed any person or transferred US government documents or classified material, they are serving four lifetime sentences and 77 years in US prisons collectively;

Whereas the Cuban Five had a mission to infiltrate the activities of terrorist and criminal groups operating in Miami and report planned threats against the Cuban people and government of Cuba, more than 3000 Cuban citizens have lost their lives due to this terrorism over decades including the explosion of a bomb in midair killing 73 passengers of Cubana Airlines on October 6, 1976 which Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles of Miami have been suspects;

Whereas on May 27, 2005 the UN working group on Arbitrary Detentions found the detention of the Cuban Five to be in “contravention of article 14 of the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,” and requested that the US government adopt necessary steps to remedy the situation in conformity with the covenant;

Whereas Amnesty International has condemned the inhumane treatment of the Cuban Five by the US refusal and or severe limitation of visas for family visitation since 1998, particularly visas for Adriano Perez and Olga Salanueva;

Whereas President Barack Obama has states that the objective of the US government is to normalize relations with Cuba;
Therefore be it resolved that CCDS and its members demand that the US government free the Cuban Five political prisoners held in US prisons.

Be it further resolved that as long as these men remain in prisons, the US government allow the right of regular visits, including the immediate granting of humanitarian visas to Adriano Perez and Olga Salanueva to visit Gerardo Hernandez and Rene Gonzalez respectively.

Be it further resolved that the US government immediately extradite Luis Posada Carriles to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to be tried for his crime.

And be it finally resolved that the US government immediately lift the blockade of Cuba and allow all US citizens unrestricted travel to Cuba.

CCDS will work in support of legislation in Congress to lift the ban on travel to Cuba for all US citizens as found in HR 874 with 160 sponsors and S 428 with 30 co-sponsors.

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