Cubainformación.- Organizado por la Embajada de Cuba, la Asociación de Amistad Cuba-Turquia "José Martí" y el Ayuntamiento de Çankaya, se celebró un concierto para conmemorar el 55 aniversario de la Revolución Cubana.

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A continuación nota en inglés:

55th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution Has Been Celebrated in Ankara with Great Excitement

55th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution has been celebrated with a friendship concert on 3rd January 2014 in Ankara at the Center of Contemporary Arts. The concert was organized by the Embassy of Cuba in Turkey, the Friendship Association Cuba-Turkey “José Martí” and the Municipality of Çankaya.

Cuban Soprano Diana Rosa Cárdenas Alfonso and Turkish pianist Bora Atesyakan took stage for the concert.

The program started with the speech of Cuban Ambassador Alberto González Casals. Casals pointed out that throughout the 55 years Cuba has made numerous achievements shown to be exemplary to the World by UN and UNESCO. These achievements were thanks to the unity of Cuban people and the soul inside resisting against the blockade. Casals continued his speech highlighting that Cuba will never give up and continue with sustainable and updated socialism. The president of the Friendship Association Cuba-Turkey “José Martí” Gözde Somel pointed how the 90’s generation of the two countries has grown. Some of the speech between the lines is as follows: “Our youth spent their childhood in political instability, unsolved murders, corruption scandals and social decay dominated by a dark period. Diana and her friends however, grew up after the collapse of Soviet Union at the times of resistance against the blockade of USA which became tighter aiming to end the Cuban socialism. Our 90’s generation children have grown learning the inequality and poverty. Some fathers became inconceivable richer although others fathers stayed unemployed. Cuba’s 90’s generation also has seen poverty. However; their poverty did not hurt human dignity and the sense of justice. Cubans taught their children to overcome poverty by sharing not by competition. Children were growing in schools, on the streets and in their homes with a sense of equality, self-confidence and human love. While ours were to see their friends as competitors.”

The concert was composed of two parts where the former part was named “International” and second “Cuba”. Throughout the concert, works of well-known names such as Rachmaninov and Gounod and famous Cuban compositors like Lecuona, Roig and Fuentes have been performed. In the concert a special work conducted by Turkish composer Can Aksel Akın was performed which was about the poem “Interview in Havana” of well-known communist poet Nazim Hikmet. The program ended with “Hasta Siempre Comandante” and “Hymn of the International”.

A continuación nota en turco:

Küba Devrimi'nin 55'inci Yıl Dönümü Küba-Türkiye Dostluk Konseri ile Ankara'da kutlandı.

Küba Devrimi’nin 55’inci Yıl Dönümü Küba-Türkiye Dostluk Konseri ile Ankara’da kutlandı. Törende konuşan Küba Büyükelçisi Calals (Kasals), Küba'nın son dönemde kaydettiği ilerlemeleri anlattı.

04 Ocak 2014 Cumartesi 22:16 Küba Devriminin 55’inci yıl dönümü Küba-Türkiye Dostluk Konseri adıyla Ankara’da kutlandı.

Küba Büyükelçisinin de bulunduğu konsere yoğun ilgi vardı.

Büyükelçi, Küba Devriminin Türkiye’de kutlanmasından dolayı mutlu olduğunu dile getirdi.

Konserde soprano Diana Rosa, Cardenas Alfonso ve Bora Ateşyakan sahne aldı.

Usta şair Nazım Hikmet’in “Havana Röportajı” adlı eserine yapılan beste de müzikseverlerle ilk kez buluştu.

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